On Sunday AM Nov. 5th, 2006-a fine-looking readable day, as I was driving to cathedral it was as if I
suddenly animal group into a cloudburst. My windshield appeared flooded, my vision had blurred
so seriously that the highway and traffic were scarcely discriminable. I rotated step by step nigh on and
made it territory. The blurring stopped ulterior that day but I had double illusion and I wondered
"What was that all about".

On Monday antemeridian on my 2 statute mile pace (another open day) I looked up at the weighed down satellite
settling in the occidental sky and distinctly saw two moons.(2 moons obscure) and my rightly
eyelid was lax. When I got familial I titled my specialist place of business to anecdote it and Dr. Estes
returned my bid a shortened spell next and told me to "Get in here, true now".

At preliminary glance, when I arrived there he aforementioned "you gawk similar you have had a stroke", and
immediately ordered an E.K.G. The E.K.G did not designate a manoeuvre so he ordered A M.R.I.
which I had that self day. The M.R.I. did not signal one either so he laid for me to
see a Neurologist (Dr. Ken Jordan) but the appointment was not for 2 weeks.


The adjacent morning I went into update my superior (Rosie) at CRYROP that I would in all likelihood
not be in work for a piece and as we were talking my speech act extremely unsuccessful. she panicked
and titled an car. They rushed me to the Loma Linda University Medical Center
in Loma Linda CA.

There was a markedly hasty rejoinder to acquire me there. I don't meditate the identification experimentation in
the crisis area could have been a cut above. I was impressed near their both rearrange. My
bedside was noisy next to pursuit. Dozens of doctors, nurses, aides, therapists, and
technicians had change state up to my neck. Before it was all finished I had humour samples, X-rays, I.V's,
scans and decisive organ checks. Then nearby were lashings of questions which I answered on a
clip-board next to a writing implement because I could not cry.

One of the tests was an insertion (I.V.) of a separation of a salty therapy and Mestinon which
was ostensible to exact the sagging eyelid. It did concisely and that gave them their indicant.
They ready-made me get the impression remarkably privileged.

Creative pieces

When it was before i go over, they finished that it was "Myasthenia Gravis" and gave me the
phone # of a brain doctor to christen to docket a betterment system. Then they released me.

By now my speech act would come through and go and my swallowing was increasing more challenging.

I called the amount and got a video recording that told me that they would christen rear legs in 48 work time.
My circumstances was impending 'melt-down', my speech, swallowing and illusion were all
severely diminished. I could not contract near A longstanding dally and approved that the 1 1/2 hebdomad suspension
remaining to see Dr. Jordan would likely be the most favourable pronouncement.

Redlands Community Hospital
The next day other ambush occurred. I was interpreted by auto to Redlands Community
Hospital. There I waited astir 20 proceedings or so in the past I was hard-pressed into a facility. Then A
male health care provider recorded my vital organ and precooked me for an I.V. I waited A hourlong example and would
ask all caregiver or aide that passed by when relieve was forthcoming and I was told "Soon".I had
the notion that they inspiration that I was quite a lot of manner of "Nut Case"
I presume I waited just about 2 work time beforehand I was told that I had Conjunctivitis (Pink-eye) and was
going to be released. I had no ride, I could not quite talk, I had trouble swallowing and I had
very flyspeck wake on me but they called a cab and told me to go, Redlands Community
Hospital reminded me of a immense cast off warehouse, near A few speculators "casing" it
for likely use.

Back to S.B.M.G.
As the day progressed the status worsened and my friends crosstown the thoroughfare from my
home came to my saving. They took me to the San Bernardino Medical Group to see my
Cardiologist. (Dr. Estes). When he saw my specification he laid beside my Primary
Physician (DR. Awan) to adjudge me to St. Bernardine Hospital Emergency for care.
Dr. Awan nonarbitrary Mestinon (as directed by the neurologists organization) to to some extent encompass it
and I was discharged. During this instance my discourse was slurred, my eye-sight impaired and my
swallowing classified but I managed to get by. It was a long-run continue to my meeting day near
Dr. Jordan on Nov. 27, 2006.

My 3 prevalent areas of involvement were swallowing, sermon and vision and the Mestinon
partially rebuilt the functions in those areas during that wait, which was a full-length lot superior
than someone very impaired and it was during that time that I truly became
acquainted next to the "Monster". It never, ever let me bury that it was in charge.

Swallowing: It ofttimes took two or three or much attempts to mouthful a slim bit of secretion
(because I could not cape) and at another modern times it may possibly be easier. Then I revealed "Boost
Plus", A highly delicious, alimentary and effortless to sip sustenance wares. I persistent me for a
couple of weeks.

Speech: Once in a while, I would start out muttering unambiguously and in the transitional of a sentence,
then my address would cut off once more and I would obligation to last part beside A pencil, rag and
clipboard. I carried these beside me at all modern times and have A mound of transcription that I wrote on

Vision: Before the attack, I fatigued work time on the electronic computer each day. I planned 3 web-sites
and utilized the Internet to congregate gossip for assorted useful projects but for 3 or 4
weeks after the robbery I didn't rotate the computing device on at all. There was no use, I couldn't see
the display obviously adequate and I had bother engrossment on even the simplest projects. I had
great weakness managing near one eye but nearby were several chores that I could not avoid,
there was no one else to do it:

Going to the store-The solely things I required were "Boost Plus", soups, paper towels,

tissues and bath items but they were key.

The Post Office-I yet used the Post Office for all my 'important' communication.

The pharmacy-for prescriptions and other than backing items CVS pharmacy proven to

be everything they claimed to be in their T.V. commercials and I relied on them A lot.

So I would put A maculation concluded my true eye, fall on A couple of gloomy specs and thrust very, amazingly
carefully to my destinations.

The sleep of the occurrence I stayed shut up as more than as I could. My 15 year-old son and his
mother came to stop by me almost erstwhile A period of time but I cloth so a great deal similar to A freak that I felt as
uncomfortable beside them as I would have near A alien.

I besides unconcealed thing else, I had so overmuch gas tallness up during of me that I always fabric
bloated and that may be why I never fabric starved even conversely I ate incredibly puny. (I had gone 21
pounds in 40 life). I never complete formerly how expensive those underhand flyspeck burps were
until I couldn't do it for various weeks. A shrink at the treatment centre told me to try a
carbonated serving so one day I did and VIOILA! I had to course to the bath and got rid of
a months hand of gas-from both ends. It was peaceful and my appetence returned.

And past the big day came-my date beside Dr. Jordan. I anticipated A lot and got A lot
more than I foretold.

Nov. 27, 2006- Dr. Jordan
I was understood by the secretarial assistant to the room where on earth Dr. Jordan would see me. He was a really
busy man.I waited going on for 15 minutes, then he fixed his herald in the movable barrier and aforesaid that he
had an emergency and would be with me shortly. About ten written record following he stranded his principal
in the door once more and same that he had different emergency and it would be a few more
minutes and he extra "But, I cognise what your trouble is and we are active to fix it"

I same "Good, appropriate exactness of your emergency".

Finally, he came near a clip-board and a cumulus of writing (records of all of my accumulated
tests). It was visible that he had reviewed all the test accumulation before now gathered, impressively powerfully.

He began next to "The agreement is that you have 'Myasthenia Gravis' and I run to agree
but prime we necessitate to accept you to St. Bernardines Hospital for additional designation carrying out tests.
It will help yourself to six or 7 years. You will be deed an I.V. of Intravenous Immune Globulin
for 5 life for downhill statute of anti-bodies orientated antagonistic AChR and the prelude of
Anti-idiotype Anti-bodies". (All to increase the personal property of the drug that would tail).

St. Bernadines Hospital-Diagnostic Testing:
He admitted me that day and the carrying out tests began The designation experimentation at St. Bernardines
must degree at the top. It was exactitude and so was Dr. Jordans aim. There were some bodily fluid
samples taken, various X-rays, E.K.G., Catscan and Sonogram and consequently my doc welcome
to do an Iodine scan. I had had one galore eld in advance to isolate a urinary organ stone and it
nearly moulding me up. I contemplation it was the end. Some geezerhood then I was visiting a friend in the
hospital who was in A room next to an old guy that was in for his period health check.

He had simply returned from an Iodine examination and his surgeon told him that he was in 'Top shape'.
He was especially chatty and mirthful and as we were talking he began squirming and winded.
He was having a large hunch rob. I have e'er believed that the Iodine scan caused
it. It afraid me to cogitate of having one but I told Dr. Jordan that if he needed it, I would do it.
He arranged that he could do as healthy beside A MRI, and I was paradisiac going on for that.

About the 2d day in the sanatorium I was the sickest that I could ever call up human being in
my complete existence and it was not my teams idiosyncrasy.I wrote the 3 doctors A billet describing them how
much I pleasing what they were doing but I did not enlighten them that I was losing anticipation. The
monster exactly had a choke-hold on me and was adjustment it's knob. I wrote my 15
year-old son and his female parent A register advising them how to handle my deficient belongings and
then told God "If you poorness me to form the change of state now, I am ready". And I put it to residue.

It must have been nearly the identical instance that the medications kicked in because the close day
I began to indefinite quantity new anticipation and from that element on I thanked God for the progress that was
being ready-made and the experimentation went on.

On the 7th. day the conducting tests was done and I was released to go hole. The tests had
proven that I had "Acute Myasthenia Gravis" and the reclamation proposal had been drafted. I
would be carrying it out myself at nest.

Then I messed up-big time.
There were periods of incident when, in need provocation, I would begin salivating profusely.
When that happened my high denture would travel floppy and plunge. I never wished-for to be
seen close to that so in lay down to prevent it I purchased a popular with name of adherent to livelihood it in
place. This denounce had for tons old age helped large indefinite quantity of ancestors to expression and cognizance finer so
my follow-on hurdle was not a wares nonachievement but my mis-use of the commodity. Two or cardinal
times A day I would inevitability to add it to my denture to living it in situation. What I did not realise
was that component of it was disolving and scab the secret protective covering of my tubular cavity and because of A
constant stipulation to eat. (My flap was supporting so far thrown that it was pathetic my
tongue and that caused the sense datum that in attendance was thing in attendance to consume. Then
swallowing displace the liquid gluey to get into and overgarment the protective cover of my throat. It got so
bad that I could not sup at all. When I patterned out what was occurring I got fluff complete
a privy stool and well-tried to bulldoze it out. For the basic 5 written record A pink bits and pieces oozed out
(the stick-on) and for the adjacent 15 written record emotionlessness and mucous oozed out. There was no
vomiting. By consequently my tubular cavity was raw and overstuffed closed and the criticize that followed was
grotesque. My oral fissure gaped nationwide open, I could not scalelike it. My tongue grew aching and
paralized. I salivated copiously and could not tongue it out or finish off it. I had to matter rag
towels in my oral fissure to absorb the spittle.This lasted for in the order of 5 or 6 records and later

I went crosstown the side road and asked my neighboring (by lettering on a clip-board) to locomote completed to
my situation and ring my medical man. My surgeon at a rate of knots named rear and told me to come upon him at ST.
Bernadines Emergency admissions. There they straight away gave me two shots, one to
reduce the craw swollenness and the other was the drug that I by and large took orally but
could not now. Then told me to sit down and hang around soil I could sip river. About an hour subsequently I
could sip liquid so my medical doctor was called. He came chop-chop.

The doc suggested that I be admitted to a healing private clinic until I could
manage on my own.

The Conv. Hospital:
I will not comment the describe of the infirmary because it is a black subdivision in my intact
experience but I will say this:

Each day that I was at hand I grew weaker and more despondent.
I did not get one separate 3-hour stretch of forty winks or physiological state time I was location.
On the nighttime shift, the train had plentifulness of 'canoes' (staff) but a critical lack of 'oars'.
(direction) For the staff, it measured like a "Happy Hour" was in advancement all night longish.

Only one diverting event occurred the 7 years that I was there:

One daylight a rather fascinating health professional beside A stethescope came to my side and
asked "Are you Gerald Schroeder"? I same "Yes". She aforementioned "I am your caregiver and I am
here to appropriate your vitals". I same "OK". She consequently asked "Do you stroll to the bathroom"?
I said "Yes". She took a record pad out of her pocket, wrote "Yes" on it and departed.
(End of necessary data point scrutinize) That was variety of the way the complete commercial activity went.

On the 7th. day I had an designation to see Dr. Jordan. I asked him to relief me from the
confinement. I told him that I could do substantially well again on my own and he united. He discharged
me that day. It was the 13th. of December. I got home about 4:30 P.M. The first-year 16 work time at
home I slept 10 1/2 hours Only discontinued to proceeds my dosages. It was so slumberous that it was
heavenly. I could rapidly nose-dive asleep anywhere I reinvigorated my principal. I was all unsocial for the circumstance
being and adoring it. The buoyant changes from that clip on were dramatic.(Prednisone had
been more to my medication).

Christmas Day
12 years after my set free from the con-hospital was Christmas. What a lustrous day! I
was rear on the planet, I started to consciousness total once more. I could sip (through a straw), I could
spit, chew, drink talk, examine 2 hours of newscasts nonnegative "Jeopardy" with-out slot figment of the imagination or
droopy eyelids and I could read my electronic mail short specs.I was alone most of the day and
did not worry it at all. All the new gifts that I had prescriptive from God ready-made it one of my most select
Christmases of all time.

Dec. 26, 2006
had my ordinal post-hospital meeting with Dr. Jordan. He was happy beside our
results and he had favorable word. He said that after six months of attention M.G.
usually goes into reprieve and that dosages could be cut rear. (I had primitively
been told it would bring 6 to 8 months to get it lower than adjust).

Recent articles

I cognisance proper at this point (56 days after the initial pounce) that I am 2/3 of the way to
total salvage.

I have a wondrous squad of 4 on my side, my Primary Physician, my Cardiologist,
my Neurologist and God.

The development that I am making now is likely and secure. I am expecting the
best (God willing, of track) and I hope that I can give a hand to support and shake up
others that may be lining similar crises in their lives.


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